By Karin Soderberg

(with apologies to Alfred, Lord Tennyson)



One day, and one day more

And onward they came to the home of problems.

Ten HAH men and their truck.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the tools!” Steve said.

Into the home needing repairs

On Hildreth Road.



“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man afraid?

Maybe no one knew

Exactly what to do.

Just figure it out, and get all the tasks done.

So into the house of problems, large and small,

Entered the 10 men with talents for all.



Challenge to the right,

More to the left.

Surprises in front of them

Volleyed and thundered.

Boldly they sawed and hammered

Till each job was done,

And the place was swept clean.

Ten men and their HAH truck of tools.



Like a well-trained army,

They performed with precision.

Attacking the rot, the broken and rusted.

They manually hoisted two heavyweight sliders

To the second-floor grabbers

Till all was mended and looking like new.

And the homeowner confessed, “It’s amazing what you do.”



“All this work and not a charge to me.

However can this be?”

So they smiled and relayed 

How they loved helping others

To stay safe, warm and dry in the home that they love.

It might have been “the mouth of hell,”

But they triumphed because of a job done well.



So on to the next house

With pitfalls unknown,

But knowing the men,

They will get it done

Because they are …

Ten men and a truck!