Do you remember the Fourth of July between 2 and 4 p.m.? Like much of this summer, it rained and at times it poured! However, for the Mingo Club, the sun was shining! A Bailey Island family had phoned the day before to say they wanted to make a donation so the ice cream sundaes at the annual Mingo Club July Fourth Ice Cream Social would be free to all. As they put it, “the participants would get ice cream instead of sunshine.”

Many, many thanks to the Fresons for their wonderfully generous donation, to the multitude of people who stood in line to receive their sundaes, and to all who donated funds, contributed to the 50-50 and donated items to the event. Without their generosity, the event would not be possible.

The proceeds from the ice cream social, the Mingo Club’s largest fundraiser, are used to provide two grants to Harpswell secondary school graduates, a donation to the Harpswell Community School for the purchase of classroom books, and donations to Bailey Island Library Hall for maintenance of the building.

Helen Kitchel, President, Mingo Club