I am inspired to write this letter by a column I read in The Times Record written by Susan Olcott: “Spring cleanup can protect coastal ecosystems,” March 31. Olcott notes that coastal debris uncovered by snow and ice removal, if not picked up, can make its way into our coastal waters.

I fear this is true for dog feces. I walk in Mitchell Field twice daily. In the afternoon, my husband joins me and for years we have been picking up dog leavings. Our aim is to keep as many canine droppings as possible from ending up in the bay which is located at the bottom of Mitchell Field. We also want to keep the walkways clean and pleasant for all to enjoy.

We appreciate those dog walkers who responsibly pick up after their dogs and wish all would do so, which is, after all, the Mitchell Field policy.

Hubbard and Katherine Goodrich, Harpswell Neck