November was National Caregiver Support Month, although many local caregivers may not be aware that organizations exist to support their efforts. While it’s difficult to determine how many family caregivers work in Harpswell, the large population of older adults suggests it’s a good number.

Support from fellow caregivers can ease the pain and grief that can be difficult to manage alone. To that end, Elizabeth Davis will host a Dementia Caregivers Book Group beginning on Jan. 16, with support from Harpswell Aging at Home. The group will meet once a week at the Harpswell Town Office, from 10-11 a.m. each Tuesday.

HAH will supply copies of the book “Loving Someone Who Has Dementia,” by Pauline Boss. Each meeting will include discussion of one of the nine chapters. Topics to be covered include ambiguous loss; the myth of closure; and stress, coping and resiliency.

For more information or to register, call Davis at 207-310-4418. Family caregivers from all towns are welcome.