After months of study, discussion, and public outreach, the Harpswell Comprehensive Plan Task Force is planning to present the comprehensive plan draft to the community for approval at an in-person Special Town Meeting in early May (date TBD), instead of the regular Town Meeting in March. We want everyone to have ample opportunity to read and discuss the entire plan before the May Town Meeting. The task force is planning several public outreach opportunities in the coming months.

In March, attend one of our community discussion series! Each of these meetings will be held at a different location in the community, and will include a brief presentation of the plan, Q&A with task force members, and an open discussion. These sessions are meant to be an opportunity for you to learn about the plan and to hear back from you—Does the plan reflect and address the needs of Harpswell? The dates and locations are TBD.

The plan will be available the first week of March on the comprehensive plan website,, with opportunities for the public to comment online. Following the outreach, the task force will hold a public hearing for the entire community to discuss the plan and collect feedback, tentatively set for April 10. If needed, we will address feedback and hold a second public hearing on April 24. The final time and location of the public hearing will be publicized by March 8.

The task force would like to thank community members for their continued support and interest in creating a comprehensive plan to guide Harpswell into the future. Keep an eye out for the dates and locations of the March discussion series and the public hearing in April. We hope to see you there!