Eagle Scout candidate Aidan Norton is restoring the David’s Way trail at Elijah Kellogg Church on Harpswell Neck.

Two Boy Scouts from Brunswick’s Troop 633 will undertake improvements to Harpswell trails as their Eagle Scout projects.

Aidan Norton, of Harpswell, and Harrison Whitaker, of Topsham, presented 10-page proposals and 30 pages of Eagle project requirements to the Pine Tree Council of the Boy Scouts of America before receiving approval for their projects from the council’s Casco Bay District Advancement Committee. Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Scouting.

Norton is undertaking a restoration of David’s Way, a trail behind the Elijah Kellogg Church on Harpswell Neck that has become inaccessible due to overgrown bushes and fallen trees. The trail is named for a Boy Scout who cleared it more than 30 years ago.

Church members have wanted to restore the trail for several years. Norton and other volunteers have cleared the half-mile trail, which now needs to be blazed. They will also create a fire ring with benches as a gathering area for church members.

Eagle Scout candidate Harrison Whitaker is clearing a trail that will connect with an existing loop trail at Little Ponds Preserve in Cundy’s Harbor.

In collaboration with the Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, Whitaker is recruiting volunteers to clear a trail on private property that will connect with an existing loop trail on HHLT’s Little Ponds Preserve, on Bethel Point Road in Cundy’s Harbor.

In addition to clearing, the new trail will require bridge-building and blazing. Volunteers have already contributed more than 20 hours of preparatory work and have started to clear the path.

Little Ponds Preserve is the land trust’s only property in Cundy’s Harbor, and the existing trail is short and narrow. The new trail will be open to the public after completion in 2022.

A third Eagle Scout candidate with the Brunswick troop, Ethan Gordon, received approval for a project in conjunction with Mount Ararat High School to install a flagpole at the new softball field. Gordon and his crew have started building a base for the flagpole.

All three candidates are seniors at Mount Ararat and all three need volunteers of all ages to assist with their projects. To sign up, email 2019projectsurf@gmail.com.